Nice to meet you!
⸺ Who am I?
I'm a Full stack developer, and my interest in programming started during the pandemic in 2020. As a side project, I created a HealthTech product called Nutreto - a cloud-based platform for nutrition and health. This turned into a passion for web development, and a career change.

⸺ My first Frontend developer job
I built an AI product for synthetic data generation . There was no other frontend developer in the entire company, so I created a frontend application from scratch using modern web technologies (JavaScript, React, Styled components and Jest).
⸺ My current job as a Frontend developer
I work at Carla - a start-up for buying, selling and leasing electrified vehicles online. We use Next.js, TypeScript and React for the app, as well as Jest and Cypress for testing. The static content is served via Contentful and the API layer uses GraphQL.

⸺ Initiatives
- I pushed myself and my team at Carla to convert the entire codebase from JavaScript to TypeScript.
- I created a female engineering club to discuss problems and solutions within the company and the tech world in general.
- During the last year, I've set aside 1 "study hour" each day to deepen my web development knowledge.
⸺ My interests
I'm passionate about tech, leadership, change management, process improvement and teamwork. I'm also always curious to learn new things. I'm a well-organized person, a problem solver, and I like to create modular, readable and testable code which is easy to maintain and extend.